
Breath alcohol tester for remote monitoring

ALC-mobile allows you to test anytime, any places and send results through cellular phone.
This system can be used for Commercial vehicles, and DUI court program (compliance monitoring program). This system records, when, where, and who did the test and provides a real-time check. As for reliability, using cellular phone enabled us to get GPS data and headshots of testers. Also, the test results can be easily managed on PC.
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From business sites with the ALC series
The breathalyzer system to realize the top priority of safe transport
  • ALC-Mobile
Safety and environmental measures are fundamentals of the business. 
Prevention of drunk-driving is essential as a part of the measures.
Safety and environmental measures are fundamentals of the business.
Prevention of drunk-driving is essential as a part of the measures.

NANSHIN KAMOTSU JIDOSHA K.K. is a freight company headquartered in Shimosuwa-machi, Nagano Prefecture, and founded in 1923. The organization consists of four group companies and owns about 350 vehicles in offices in Nagano and other prefectures. In addition to transport, one of the best-established firms with a long history in Nagano provides services, including warehouse, ecological recycling, and beverage vending.

“Having been certified as a Business with Excellent Safety Standards (G-mark) by the Japan Trucking Association and as Green Management by Foundation for Promoting Personal Mobility and Ecological Transportation, we place importance on safety and the environment. In particular, safety is regarded as fundamental to all business, and we conduct educational activities; outside instructors are regularly invited for safety seminars that all employees take part in, and internal publication titled the In-Vehicle Newsletter relates actual examples of accidents to educate employees,” explained Sectional manager .
The company always implements safety measures with positive awareness.
As a part of these activities, anti-drunk-driving measures are vital, and increasing demand for daily control is recognized as significant.
“As the tightened administrative penalties for egregious violations by motor carriers came into force in August 2006 and transportation safety management, which was enforced in October in the same year, was introduced, the further need to prevent drunk driving has arisen,” added Sectional manager .
Introducing ALC-PRO caused a tense roll call and even raised the awareness of drivers.
A simple breathalyzer costing about 20,000 yen had been used in the past. However, there were some problems; the results varied depending on the way the user blew into the device, fake testing was possible, and the test results were not recorded as objective evidence so that collusive fictitious practices and human error could not be avoided.

Then, the ALC-PRO was introduced in December 2006. Careful discussions took place because the device was more expensive than simple breathalyzers.
At last, the executives decided to introduce it, for safety could not be exchanged for money.

“As you blow into the mouthpiece, the ALC-PRO does not allow fake testing.
The unit is also excellent in management; the test results are recorded along with a picture of the user. Precise management causes testing attitude with reasonable tension of both managers and drivers, which is not only effective in preventing drunk driving but also in raising the awareness of drivers and will result in greater safety,” said department manager.

Currently, all the test results from offices in separate different places are transferred to the head office for management.
If abnormal results are detected, they are also e-mailed to the manager’s cellular phone. These settings help establish a double or triple check system, which leads to a structure that will never allow drunk driving.
Management outside the offices is also fully covered. Only ALC-Mobile provides this credibility.
Management outside the offices is also fully covered. Only ALC-Mobile provides this credibility.
Introducing the ALC-PRO enabled thorough management of drivers going out and coming in. The problem that remained to be solved lay in long-distance transport, which was a part of the business. Anyway, the drivers cannot return to the home garage within the same day and have to stay out overnight. Therefore, they had to consider other measures.

“At first, we used a videophone-type breathalyzer made by another manufacturer. However, as was the case with the simple breathalyzer, the device had various problems; the test accuracy was bad, the results varied depending on the way the user blew into the device, and the records of test results were difficult to store,” said department manager.

Now, they decided to replace it with ALC-Mobile. “We introduced the previous device just because the brand image was good. But, the usability was bad. Our next decision was to replace it with the ALC-Mobile, which is capable of highly accurate reliable testing and transmission of the results together with GPS location data and pictures of the users. The definite data regarding “when, who, and where” the test was performed is delivered and simultaneously archived on the PC used with the breathalyzer in the office. This means the test results can be uniformly managed on a PC and storage of the records improves remarkably. I am really satisfied with this system,” commented department manager.
The evidence of safety enhances better corporate image, and thus the image of the whole industry.
If records are stored in good condition, you can quickly trace them as necessary for use as evidence of a safety-oriented attitude.

For activities for safety and the environment, the Customer Call Center’s toll-free number is shown in large letters on the vehicle bodies to be ready to hear from customers. We always brace ourselves in this way,” said Executive Director.

He told of their will to utilize the ALC series in order to continue to ensure safety, to build up a structure that will definitely eliminate drunk driving, and to improve the corporate image. The approach of the company seems to aim at contributing toward a better image of the entire transport industry.
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